Thursday, 12 November 2015


In today's lesson we were editing our music video by fading in different scenes

Monday, 9 November 2015

Second Filiming session

This is our second filming session where we filmed the outdoor scenes needed for the music video. We filmed in brick lane again covering all scenes with a variety shots which will help us when editing. We decided to get a few shots from points hill but unfavourably the camera ran out of battery so we couldn't film anymore scenes.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

First day of filming

This is the first day of filming when we filmed many scenes in order to get a variety of shots for our music video. A variety of shots meant we could incorporate different scenes when editing. These scenes were filmed in the T.V. studio as this was one of the settings for our music video. Unfortunately due to heavy rain we had to postpone filming any outdoor scenes on this day.